Basically the SplitContainer devides the form Two Separate Panels,Some times we need to add the One more SplitContainer control to existed Panels of SplitContainer1 ,as well as multliple SplitContainers.Here problem is Showing the Childforms.Why because?The Adding of the panels and show the ChildForm in the Last Added SplitContainer Panel.
shown Below figure:
In SplitContainer Major Property is Orientation
Orientation:It is nothing but Placing the SplitContainer Horizantally (or) Vertically shown above figure.
For Example let us Discuss about above figure
In the figure SplitContainer1 it's Pane2 having the SplitContainer2 In Horizantal Orientation and also SplitContainer2 having two Panels Panel1(Pink color),Panel2(Light blue color)
Aftet that our task is showing the ChildForm in the SplitContaner2-Panel2.For that first we have to add the SplitContainers by coding.
private void splitContainer1_Panel2_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Note: Above code the SplitContainer2 is added to SplitContainer1-panel2
private void SplitContainer2 _Panel2_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Note: Above code the SplitContainer3 is added to SplitContainer2-panel2
In the Below code we showing how display the ChildForm in the middle of the form
OrganizationPrflFrm frm = new OrganizationPrflFrm(); //creating the object for OrganizationPrflFrm
frm.MdiParent = this;
frm.Left = (this.spltcntnr3MdiFrm.Width - frm.Width) / 2; //setting the width for the ChildForm
frm.Top = (this.spltcntnr3MdiFrm.Height - frm.Height) / 2; //setting the Height for the ChildForm
spltcntnr3MdiFrm.Panel1.Controls.Add(frm); //adding the form to SplitContainer3-panel1
frm.Show(); //Showing the ChildForm
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shown Below figure:
In SplitContainer Major Property is Orientation
Orientation:It is nothing but Placing the SplitContainer Horizantally (or) Vertically shown above figure.
For Example let us Discuss about above figure
In the figure SplitContainer1 it's Pane2 having the SplitContainer2 In Horizantal Orientation and also SplitContainer2 having two Panels Panel1(Pink color),Panel2(Light blue color)
Aftet that our task is showing the ChildForm in the SplitContaner2-Panel2.For that first we have to add the SplitContainers by coding.
private void splitContainer1_Panel2_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Note: Above code the SplitContainer2 is added to SplitContainer1-panel2
private void SplitContainer2 _Panel2_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Note: Above code the SplitContainer3 is added to SplitContainer2-panel2
In the Below code we showing how display the ChildForm in the middle of the form
OrganizationPrflFrm frm = new OrganizationPrflFrm(); //creating the object for OrganizationPrflFrm
frm.MdiParent = this;
frm.Left = (this.spltcntnr3MdiFrm.Width - frm.Width) / 2; //setting the width for the ChildForm
frm.Top = (this.spltcntnr3MdiFrm.Height - frm.Height) / 2; //setting the Height for the ChildForm
spltcntnr3MdiFrm.Panel1.Controls.Add(frm); //adding the form to SplitContainer3-panel1
frm.Show(); //Showing the ChildForm
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