Introduction About .NET Technology
Before Going to Inside of The .NET We have to Know about
1.What is “.”(dot) in .NET?
2.what is “NET” in .NET?
1.A)”.”(dot) Refers Object Oriented
So That .net technology Supports Object Oriented Concepts Which is Nothing But“Inheritance”,”Abstraction”,Polymorphisam” etc..
2.A)”NET” Refers Network Enable Technology
That Meance .NET Technology Supports Network Applications(webApps) .
So Finally .NET Technology is supports Network Applications Through Object Oriented.
.About .NET Framework is a Collections of Many Small Technologies Integrated Togather to Develop most powerfull applications which can be executed any where and any time.
.NET Framework is MicroSoft devolepment flatform which is used for devolepment of softWare Applications
Framework is a software which makes the function activies an OS and Executes the Intermediat code under its control.
.Framework is a Collection of “BASE CLASS LIABRARIES” and “CLR”(Common Language Runtime)
1.What is “.”(dot) in .NET?
2.what is “NET” in .NET?
1.A)”.”(dot) Refers Object Oriented
So That .net technology Supports Object Oriented Concepts Which is Nothing But“Inheritance”,”Abstraction”,Polymorphisam” etc..
2.A)”NET” Refers Network Enable Technology
That Meance .NET Technology Supports Network Applications(webApps) .
So Finally .NET Technology is supports Network Applications Through Object Oriented.
.About .NET Framework is a Collections of Many Small Technologies Integrated Togather to Develop most powerfull applications which can be executed any where and any time.
.NET Framework is MicroSoft devolepment flatform which is used for devolepment of softWare Applications
Framework is a software which makes the function activies an OS and Executes the Intermediat code under its control.
.Framework is a Collection of “BASE CLASS LIABRARIES” and “CLR”(Common Language Runtime)
Base Class Libraries:
- Library is a Set of Predefine Functionalities.Every Language has Library under it in the same way .NET Language also required Libraries which were Provided by Microsoft as Base Class Libraries where they are Common for .NET Technologie
Comman Language Runtime(CLR):
- CLR is the Core Componet under .NET Framework.It Resposible in converting of IL(Inter mediate Language) code into Machin code and also Execution our Application.CLR has some Components,These components are used to Execute the appilcation with best performance and maximum utilisation of resources of the OS and minimum utilisation of memory.The Components are
- .SecurityManger
- .JIT Compiler
- .Memory Management
- .Garbage Collector
- .ExecutionManager
Versions of .NET Technology
NGWS(1998):It is first Starting stage of .NET Technology(Next Generation Windows Services).And next in 2000 VisualStudio2000 Beta version was realesed.
- Framework1.0(2002):Visualstudio.Net 2002,It was Released in 2002.
- Framework1.1(2003): Visualstudio.Net 2003,It was Released in 2003.
- Framework2.0(2005): Visualstudio.Net 2005,It was Released in 2005.
- Framework3.5(2008): Visualstudio.Net 2008,It was Released in 2008.
- Framework4.0(2010): Visualstudio.Net 2010,It was Released in 2010.
- VisualStudio.Net is a Editor For .NET based Applications,where the .NET Based Applications are Developing.In this VisualStudio editor has Compiler for Code as well as Runtime for Exicution of the .NET based applications.The .NET Technologie Supports Multiple languages,That meance Programing languages and Scripting Languages.